Hidden Outfit Viewer (HOV)

Instantly see any hidden products in the "view products in this scene" feature of IMVU and also show all previously unhidden outfits of a user.


Last Update 2 years ago

This service allows you to preview any user (except VIP users and standard block) 's hidden outfits and view products in a room.

Unhide scene is a tool that allows you to see what furniture's in a specific room. To copy a URL, you will need a desktop to use this. Head over to any of the rooms and right-click and select "View products in this scene" shown below. 

Once you have copied a URL from a room, Insert a link in the Scene URL box and click "Unhide"

Example: https://www.imvu.com/catalog/products_in_scene.php?room=14411660%3B27031384%3B33773936%3B34187523

Search outfit is a feature that allows users to view as a complete model and try stuff out yourself or buy an product you really want.

If you wish to hide outfits that are missing products, tick the box shown below.

Can I hide my outfits from being shown?

Yes you can hide your outfits by purchasing VIP or standard block.
More information can be found here

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